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A few life lessons, sweet girl.
To my littlest love: I’ve had this past year to think about you, a lot, 24/7 to be precise. Here are some life lessons I've learned alon

Self-help overload? Go back to basics.
When the world of self-help becomes too much, try to bring it back to the basics of being a good human.

The unconditional, unnecessary, yet freely given kind of love. What is the one thing that would get someone to: launch out of bed in the...

What are your life spokes? Are they balanced?
In some way, I think we all strive for balance in life. That doesn’t mean we always attain it, but it can definitely be an effort in progres

Limitless - it's a life choice.
When you’re open, the opportunities are limitless. When you go into a situation with an open mind, open heart, and an open outlook, you...

I get it. Issues = Energy = Change.
Hypothetically, I understand that for things to transform for the better, they must first be made into an issue. But, if I may . . ....
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